Lafayette Homes for Sale

City of Lafayette CO

The City of Lafayette is located North of Denver off Highway 7 and Highway 287. The town of Lafayette was incorporated back on February 23, 1889 by Mary Miller. She named the town after her late husband Lafayette who passed away in 1878. If you are thinking of purchasing a landmarked property, you should click on the link and what all this entails.   

Some interesting facts on Lafayette -

  • On 2/15/11 backyard chickens were approved in the City of Lafayette
  • On 2/4/1889 the first post office was established
  • Population - 28,641
  • Elevation is 5,236 feet
  • City of Lafayette consists of 8.85 square miles
  • It takes 31 minutes or 22 miles to get from Lafayette to Denver.

Please find below the current active listings within the City of Lafayette -



No current listings, please check back later.